
【字体: 时间:2008年03月11日 来源:生物通


  来自美国Cedars-Sinai心脏研究院(Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute),约翰霍普金斯医学院,台湾中国医药大学(China Medical University and Hospital in Taiwan)的研究人员发现一种特殊的基因突变体能破坏正常心律,并首次描绘了这一过程的机制。


生物通综合:来自美国Cedars-Sinai心脏研究院(Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute),约翰霍普金斯医学院,台湾中国医药大学(China Medical University and Hospital in Taiwan)的研究人员发现一种特殊的基因突变体能破坏正常心律,并首次描绘了这一过程的机制。这一基因在心脏中的影响之前尚未发现,这对于心脏研究具有重要意义。这一研究成果公布在《美国国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)杂志在线版上。

领导这一研究的是Cedars-Sinai心脏研究院的心脏学家Eduardo Marbán博士,他和其同事曾将发生突变的编码Kir2.1钾通道的基因复合体插入一种病毒体内。当这种病毒被注射到豚鼠的心脏中以后,就会把基因插入心脏细胞。心室细胞在正常情况下无法产生自发电脉冲,但这些动物中有40%的个体的心室细胞却表现出类似起搏细胞的活动。《自然》杂志上报告了这一结果。这表明所有心脏细胞可能都具有潜在的起搏能力,只是被Kir2.1通道所抑制。也就是说改造某个基因可能使普通心脏细胞的节律引导心脏其他部分的节律。



长 - 及 短 – QT综合症可以由罕见的影响离子通道的先天性疾病引起,但在突发性心律失常所引起的死亡病人中,他们大多数并不存在这些遗传变异。还在不久以前,医师及研究人员还无法解释在那些其他情况健康的人中出现QT间期异常的病理基础。

但是在2006年,Marbán及其他的研究人员使用了一种新的发现基因的方法来探索遗传因素对QT间期变异的影响。在已经被详尽研究过的一个普通人群(即德国的KORA群组研究)中,研究人员确定了那些有长或短QT间期的人。对这些个体的基因组成的研究使得研究人员发现QT间期与CAPON基因之间存在相关性。他们在Nature Genetics上发表的这些发现是令人意外的,因为已知与脑神经细胞有关的CAPON并没有被料到会存在于心脏组织之中。


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA,
CAPON modulates cardiac repolarization via neuronal nitric oxide synthase signaling in the heart

Eduardo Marbán, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief of Cardiology
Michel Mirowski, M.D. Professor of Cardiology
Professor of Medicine, Physiology
and Biomedical Engineering

Eduardo Marbán’s professional career is dedicated to understanding disorders of cardiac rhythm and pump function, and to developing novel treatments based upon fundamental insights into mechanism. A native of Havana, Cuba, Dr. Marbán came to this country with his parents at the age of six as a political refugee. He earned his B.S. in mathematics from Wilkes College in Pennsylvania, and then attended the Yale University School of Medicine in a combined M.D./Ph.D.program. Dr. Marbán was an intern and medical resident on the Osler service at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, and then completed his cardiology fellowship there.

Appointed to the Johns Hopkins University faculty as Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine in 1985, Dr. Marbán reached the rank of Professor in 1991. In 1998, Dr. Marbán became director of the newly-established Johns Hopkins Institute of Molecular Cardiobiology, an inter–departmental program designed to foster fundamental research into the workings of the heart. Dr. Marbán was honored as the first faculty member, in 1998, to occupy the Michel Mirowski, M.D. Professorship in Cardiology. This endowed chair honors Dr. Mirowski, the inventor of the automatic implantable defibrillator. In 2003, Dr. Marbán became the Chief of Cardiology at Johns Hopkins; he also directs the Donald W. Reynolds Cardiovascular Clinical Research Center at Johns Hopkins, a $24 million 4-year program focused on identifying novel risk factors for sudden cardiac death.

Dr. Marbán has received the Basic Research Prize of the American Heart Association (AHA), the Research Achievement Award of the International Society for Heart Research, and the Distinguished Service Award of the Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences of the AHA. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of Circulation Research, the world’s leading journal of cardiovascular investigation.

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